Day County Trailblazers was established in the fall of 1993. The
Snowmobile Club has 59 members and is still growing strong.
The Club sponsors
many events, including:
Annual Radar Runs, Annual club snowmobile trips to the Black Hills,
Rocky Mountains, and Minnesota. Snowmobile runs on the Glacial
Lakes snowmobile trail. An annual snowmobile raffle.
In 1996 with
the unusual record snowfall the Day County Trailblazers established
an Emergency Snowmobile Team to be called upon by the local Emergency
Disaster Service and Sheriff's Office.
The Trailblazers
have also contributed to the community in many other ways. Here
are a few:
Charity snowmobile runs. Donating to local fund raisers. Aiding
the Sheriff's office in locating stranded motorists. Aid in serving
concessions for community events.
Meeting minutes are in Acrobat Reader format.
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Minutes from October 10, 2002